Sunday, September 16, 2018


I bet the Headline made you think of that ugly 1960's-70's stuff.


I've never been on a panel before, or at least that I can remember. :-)
The picture above is from September 6th of this year. I was invited to a screening of Too Soon To Forget (website - in Charlotte due to me having Early Onset Dementia, Other panelists were either in the medical field or had loved ones who had fought the battle and eventually succumbed to this disease. (1 day there will be a cure, but until then, the fight is real!)

I never had the chance to see this film before the screening. It is currently showing in PBS markets around the country, and is also available on DVD for anyone who would like to have a private copy. (more info on this can be found on the website). Mary Swenson of Charlotte NC/Chicago IL was the one who invited me. She and her husband Tom, who fought just as hard as anyone else, were featured along with others who at the time were battling this disease.

Alzheimers/Dementia  affects far more people than you realize. Most people realize that they may be starting to have some affects of the disease, but they do not want to go to the doctor, out of fear that they may have to see an end to their life as they know it. They don't want to face the "realities" of the disease. WELL, the reality is that LIFE DOESN'T END BECAUSE OF THIS! If you don't believe me, tune into a screening of this film when it becomes available in your area, or purchase a DVD and watch for yourselves. The things that Mary and Tom accomplished alone will astonish you.

The one thing that impressed me both is the people who took time to come out and listen, then asked a LOT of questions, both during the session and afterwards. People do care, people do want to help, people do want to make a difference in other people's lives. Society isn't all bad as the media wants everyone to believe.

In my past I have done paneling (the wooden kind), and now I have been paneled myself. It is a humbling experience to sit there and watch/listen to other people stories and realize it is up to me to get myself through this. Yes, the drugs seem to be helping, but they are not what will keep me going. God, Friends and Exercise will be what keeps me going through this.

Until then, if anyone ever wants me to be "paneled" again, just leave me a comment and I'll get back to you. And remember #AlzSucks #EndAlz

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